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Dashboard Confessional: How to Make Your Team Cry

Chopin 2 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, United States

This session will help you understand and utilize dashboards to their full potential, giving the information your team needs at a glance. This is a beginner-friendly class. The session's goal is to make you feel confident that you have the basic tools and skills to create your dashboards and make your team cry tears of…

Facilitated Discussion: Latecomers, No Shows, and Sellouts, oh my!

Chopin 3 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Does your organization ever have problems with Latecomers, No Shows, or Sell-outs? If so, come join in a facilitated discussion about these common front-of-house challenges. We’ll discuss a variety of ways to handle these issues, both within Patron Manager and beyond. Bring your questions and ideas!

Afternoon Break – visit our sponsors!

Encore Ballroom 1-3 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Stay fueled for the final sessions of the day with some afternoon refreshments in the ballroom and check out the sponsor booths! *Please ensure any allergies or dietary requirements have been communicated to the Leap team

Take the Admin Exam!

Chopin 1 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Become a Certified PatronManager Admin right here at the Community Meeting. Take your exam and become a PatronManager guru - officially!

Mastering Grants and Pledges in PatronManager

Chopin 2 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, United States

Grants and Pledges make up an important portion of your fundraising efforts. But how do you best track these sources of giving when you expect to receive them in multiple installments over a period of time? Join us as we dive deeper into the unique data structure for these types of contributions, how to track…

Volunteers for Salesforce App: FAQs

Chopin 3 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

An open “Ask Me Anything” session to answer questions on how to set up the app, troubleshoot permissions and sharing rules, and some best practices. This session is designed to help new staff who are inheriting the app already installed in their account, or anyone who has been using the app for a while, but…

Open Learning

Chopin 4 - Learning Lab 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Immerse yourself in the Learning Lab for some hands-on learning! Have a specific report you're working on? Want to work on a new-to-you feature with a member of our team? Drop in and chat with our team or have a place to practice what you've learned from the sessions.

Panel: Charting the Path Forward with Audience Engagement

Encore Ballroom 5 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

The biggest challenges of the pandemic seem to be in the rearview mirror, but the effects of those turbulent years are still with many of our organizations. We'll discuss how nonprofits and arts organizations can reconnect with patrons who haven't been attending and how to find audiences that reflect the new attendance patterns we see.…

Facilitated Discussion: What Are Your Favorite Salesforce Apps?

Chopin 2 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, United States

Explore the Salesforce AppExchange with us! Come join a conversation about recommended apps and general Salesforce tools that are both useful and friendly for PatronManager. Our hosts will share a few of their favorites, and we'd love to hear about yours.

Open Learning

Chopin 4 - Learning Lab 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Immerse yourself in the Learning Lab for some hands-on learning! Have a specific report you're working on? Want to work on a new-to-you feature with a member of our team? Drop in and chat with our team or have a place to practice what you've learned from the sessions.

Happy Hour Reception

Encore Ballroom 1-3 3121 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

After a full day at PMCM 24, what better way to relax than with us! Head on over to Encore Ballroom for a happy hour reception. Schmooze with friends, both old and new, while enjoying an open bar and passed appetizers.